You know something that’s funny?
Everything works.
It works to varying degrees (certain programs are better suited for certain people in certain situations than others), but every training method, nutritional strategy, or cardiovascular routine has the potential to produce long-lasting, exceptional results.
Yet, despite the fact that everything works, very few people are actually getting the results they’ve been looking for in their training.
Strength gains are slow.
Size gains are virtually non-existent.
And fat loss, well…let’s just say fat loss isn’t something most people are extremely successful at.
Is it the programming?
Are crappy programs to blame for people’s lackluster training and fitness results?
But, then again, probably not.
No, in my opinion, it’s not the programs that are failing the people, but the people that are failing the programs.
And that’s because 1.) They’re not putting forth any effort, or 2.) If they are putting forth effort, they’re not doing so on a consistent basis.
Without Effort, There is No Progress.
Think about the last time you really pushed yourself in the weight room.
I’m not talking about just going in and getting a good sweat on.
I’m talking about walking in to the gym with a fire lit under your ass, and doing everything in your power to set a new PR.
Was it yesterday?
Two days ago?
A couple months ago?
A year ago?
For a lot of people, it probably falls between “a couple months” and “a year.”
And, that’s unfortunate, because a “good” plan is rendered useless in the absence of appreciable effort (and vice versa – a bad plan is made useful in the presence of appreciable effort), and the results you get from your training are completely dependent upon the work you’re willing to put in to it.
But, Effort Alone Isn’t Enough…You Also Have to Be Consistent.
Because, training is hard.
And it stays hard.
And it never gets easier no matter how long you keep doing it (you just get stronger).
Most of us can put forth effort for short periods of time.
Heck, we may even be able to put forth effort for long-ish periods of time.
But putting forth effort for the amount of time it takes to reach our fitness goals?
Putting forth effort for the YEARS it takes to make appreciable gains in strength, muscle mass, or overall athleticism?
Yeah…that’s a heck of a lot harder.
But, It’s a Necessity, and It’s What Separates Those Who Achieve Results, and Those Who Don’t.
The fitness elite – or those who have achieved incredible fitness results – didn’t get that way because they followed better programs.
Or because they used better equipment.
Or because they had access to more time (we all have the same 24 hours).
No, they got that way because they put forth effort.
A TON of effort.
And they put forth that effort on a consistent basis.
Everyone wants to know the “secret” to losing body fat.
The “secret” to building muscle.
The “secret” to getting stronger.
Well, here it is:
Work your ass off.
And when you don’t feel like working your ass off any longer, keep working your ass off.
People have gotten big and strong using a million different training strategies.
They’ve gotten leaner using a million different nutritional strategies.
It’s not the program that’s holding people back (in most cases), but the amount of work – on a consistent basis – they’re willing to put in to it.
And once people start putting forth a little effort – consistently, not just every once in awhile – their results will absolutely skyrocket.
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Very inspiring article! Hope all is well with you
Hey Diane!
Glad you liked the article.
Everything’s going fantastic.
Things going well on your end?
Hope to see you soon!
Great article Nick. Spot on about expectations when short spurts of excercise and nutrition are applied. You always share the truth about excercise and nutrition. Its not easy and its not short term.
Thanks, Pop! Trying my best. None of this stuff comes easy (but it’s all completely doable if someone’s willing to put in the effort).