If you’ve ever picked up a fitness magazine, you’ve probably come across a training plan used by some well-known and elite level athlete. Naturally, our first instinct is to use it. After all, if a top level athlete used the program – and got to where he/she is because of it (not always the […]
Keep Your Elbows Tucked During the Bench Press
A common belief is that the bench press is a “shoulder killer” (sort of how squats are supposedly bad for your knees – complete BS), and this couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s not the bench press itself that’s bad for your shoulders (unless you have a pre-existing shoulder injury), but the way YOU […]
8 Fundamentals of a Strength Program
Everyone wants to get stronger. Strength is the foundation of almost all fitness-related qualities and technical skills, and therefore no matter what your current goals are, gaining strength is definitely included. Now, one thing I’ve noticed recently is that although many people WANT to get stronger, not many people know HOW to go about doing it. They either overcomplicate the process or simply […]
The King of Upper Body Pressing Movements: The Push-Up
Nick Smoot Smootfitness.com The bench press is my weakest lift. Always has been. I’m extremely posterior-chain dominant, and because of this, I’ve devoted a lot of time recently to bringing up the anterior side of my body. With that being said, one thing I’ve noticed – and I’m not happy about – is that […]
The Importance of Progression
Nick Smoot Smootfitness.com Progression rules! It’s the most important component of any training plan, and without it, the entire program falls apart. Sets, reps, exercise selection, rest time… these are all important, as the manipulation of these variables determines what adaption(s) your program is currently set up to achieve. With that being said, it’s […]