*photo credit: John Meadows* Hmm…that’s a tough question. In most cases, I would say 3-4x per week. But, it depends on a lot of factors – your goals, schedule, preferences, and how quickly you can recover. Let’s go over each factor individually. Goals Each goal provides a target. And each target requires a […]
How Long Will it Take to Reach Your Fitness Goals?
A long time. Of course, different goals have different completion times, and smaller goals can be achieved relatively quickly. But bigger goals? Goals that people dream of? Goals that are characterized by enormous gains in strength, outrageous gains in muscle mass, incredible developments in speed, and unbelievable changes in body composition? Yeah, those take a […]
Can Adding Size Help You Get Stronger (and Vice Versa)?
*Photo Credit: Mike O,Hearn – a bodybuilder whose strong as a freakin ox. Yes, it most definitely can. For some reason, there seems to be this disconnect between training for strength and training for size. And, that’s unfortunate, because each adaption effectively builds the other, and training for strength AND size – just to […]
Can Alcohol and Fitness Co-Exist?
**photo credit: tnation.com The short answer to this question is yes, alcohol and fitness can co-exist. I mean, obviously, drinking yourself in to oblivion from 10:00 in the morning until 10:00 at night – on a regular basis – doesn’t fit within the realms of a healthy lifestyle, but some alcohol on occasion is certainly […]
Is Fat Loss Easy?
To be perfectly honest, no it’s not. Fat loss is simple – move a little more, eat a little less – but it’s certainly not easy, and that’s because in a lot of cases, peoples’ underlying values don’t match up with the goal(s) they say they want to achieve. For example, for the past year […]