Mobility Basics to Increase Performance Nick Smoot- Owner of Smoot Fitness Whether you are a strength athlete, soccer player, gymnast, or a stay at home mom, having good mobility is a must. It allows for efficient movement, the ability to perform normal activities, provides the environment for optimal athletic performance, and is the kryptonite to […]
Simplicty and Consistency in Training and Nutrition
I think it is a pretty safe assumption that 99% of people have an ideal physique pictured in their mind that they would like to achieve, and a certain amount of weight that they would love to man handle on a regular basis. How does one go about turning these dreams in to reality? Through […]
The Best Exercises for Building Muscle and Strength
Kyle Hunt I get asked what my favorite exercises are for building muscle and strength quite often. While I do think there is a benefit to rotating in a variety of exercises, I always find myself going back to these select few when programming for my clients. Before we begin remember this is […]
Interview With Kyle Hunt of Hunt Fitness
Interview with Kyle Hunt of Hunt Fitness Interview conducted by – Nick Smoot Editors Note: Well its not everyday you get to post an interview on yourself…but we haven’t published any interviews lately here at MM and Nick Smoot had a bunch of questions for me so I figured we would run it! I […]
Squats: The King of All Exercises
If there is one exercise found in 99% of exercise programs, it is the squat. Squats have been labeled the “King of All Exercises,” and for good reason. They mimic one of the most natural movement patterns used in everyday life and are a multi joint exercise working almost every muscle in the body. They release large amounts of anabolic (muscle building) hormones such as […]